Monthly Archives: December 2009

Reeeaaddy set GO!

This is how life has felt since the last time I blogged. Like a race. Hurdles, sprints, long distance all that fun stuff. As soon as we got the call about getting a house on post, I heard the gun fire, whistle blow, little man scream GO! So we went (with the help of friends, of course.) The house is beginning to feel like home. As a matter of fact, as we where leaving to visit family in Dallas, James told me he didn’t want to leave because I had made our house feel like home 🙂 

I love our home and our neighborhood. 

There are still thing’s that need to be put in order, rooms that I want to paint, papers I need to get in order, people I need to contact, ect. I left all of that stuff on the back burner for today, actually till January (well, except the contacting people part) and had a fun day with my husband and niece and nephew. These kids are great, so sweet and considerate. I see Joshua growing up into a strong, godly young boy. And Eyvette is a little whipper snapper. 

We have a park across the street from our house, so we decided to take the kids. It was a beautiful day today. And the parks here are pretty cool. So, here are some pictures of our day at the park…Because a post is just better with pictures. 

A special mention–James, Thank you for all you do. How you love my family,me, help with everything. You make life SO much better. I Love you! By the way, you’re going to be a GREAT dad someday 🙂 

Racing to the park. They shed clothes as they go...They think less makes them go faster? There's James picking up sweaters and jackets 🙂